"But what if you need some of it later on at some point?" said Another
Man You Don't Know.
"I don't care, it's all got too much, I want to get rid of it all," said
The Man You Don't Know. And so he began ripping everything off the
shelves and stuffing it into black bin liners.
"NO! STOP!" shouted Some Woman Whose Place In The Story We May Never
Fully Understand. "Just think of all those old Christmas cards, and
letters from people you no longer give a shit about. If you get rid of
them, you will no longer have those memories to fall back on, and
without memories what will you be?"
"Free," said The Man You Don't Know. "Without memories to hold me back,
I can do anything. I can fly, up beyond the clouds, to islands floating
in the sky."
And at that moment, the red and yellow of the sunset sky began to leak
in through the small gap in the window. The Man You Don't Know leaned
forward and opened the window fully, letting the orange glow fill the room.
And as all three of them leaned out the window to wave at the people
below, the house began to collapse, and with big grins on their faces
they all jumped out just in time, and began floating around the street.
And they lived happily ever after as floaty people, forever and ever
amen and yourmen and everybodysmen and all the women too, all tickling
each other and dancing and that.
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