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T is for Tesco

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T is for Tesco.
H is for Helicopter.
Put them both together,
and we can all go shopping in the sky.

B is for Banana.
X is for Xylophone.
Put them both together,
and you can make a musical pie.
(this only works as an absurd imaginary idea, not as an actual recipe to serve your family as a desert with their dinner)

E is for Egg.
D is for Dave.
Put them both together,
and it's a man eating his dinner.
(whilst an egg would work as a dinner, but rather than eat it by itself, have it with something else, you know such as a piece of lettuce or a jam sandwhich, you know, the usual kind of thing)

L is for Love.
F is for Free.
If you don't need to pay,
you're onto a winner.
(unles of course you are Michael Winner, in which case: calm down dear)


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  • I'm Marcus
  • From Wotton-under-Edge, Gloucestershire, United Kingdom
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