The Pooey BogBottom of Online Freelance Writing
Published Wednesday, May 12, 2010 by Marcus | E-mail this post 
For anyone that doesn't know, I've just started to dip my toe into the world of online freelance writing. This means I get paid money up front for every article I write. It's not wonderful money, but at least it allows me the option of working in my underpants.
Anyway, here is a conversation I just had via PM on
what is your rate for 500 words
Me: $3.50
Him: my rate is 1$ per 500 words
Me: That's rubbish. You'll only get Indians for that!
Him: did i mention in my bid i need natives
Me: Native American Indians?
At this point I was really gearing up for an exciting conversation. I was expecting to be accused of being racist or zenophobic or something, or for him to start insulting me or whatever. I thought it was going to be fun, but all that he said in response was this:
Him: well if you agree on rates ok otherwise its ok
How disappointing...
Anyway, I'm off out now to have lunch down by the stream, and aint no-one gonna stop me. No, not even you, with your stupid flappy arms, flapping about all over the place like a stupid flappy person.