Warm Imaginary Grapefruit Day
Published Friday, January 15, 2010 by Marcus | E-mail this post 
Warm Imaginary Grapefruit Day
A Very Short Nonsense Poem. It's So Weird That Not Even The Title Makes Any Sense.
Bed head hat hair.
Marshmallow dungerees.
Groundbreaking Poet & Lesbian Rights Activist Marcus Cross Explains The Meaning Of His Utterly Thought-Provoking Poem Warm Imaginary Grapefruit Day.
Hello Marcus, thank you for joining us today.
"Hello, and that's alright, I was coming past this way anyway."
Please, tell us about your new poem Warm Imaginary Grapefruit Day.
"Okay. Well, really, when you break beneath the surface meaning about elephants and skateboarding in the sky, it's really about the suffering that Male Lesbians experience on a daily basis. It's about identity. It's about fighting for basic human rights."
I see.
"But beyond that there is another side to it. It's about the infinite expansive wonder of the universe and how we as a human race came to imagine ourselves into existence. After having spent many millions of hundreds of thousands of billions of squillions of many aeons existing as just one big floating consciousness the size of more light years than there are red blood cells in your body, we then broke into many pieces, called Consciousness Fragments. These fragments of awareness eventually formed into planets, and eventually smaller fragments of consciousness, formed from the accidental colliding of bigger fragments, settled onto the planets and so hence thus therefore the wild hallucinatory illusion of seperate physical life forms emerged."
Oh. So you're saying none of us really exists?
"That's right."
So I'm not really here, then?
"That's exactly what I'm saying, yes."
Oh dear.