Anyway, so then the man (let's call him Robert, yes?) looked up at the
sky, and crouched in awe of the big blue almost-infinite expanse before
his face, and said, "Oh if only there were more strawberries in the world!"
At that moment, a small man appeared, not inside a day, but inside a
whole week! "How did you do that?" asked Robert, and then the man used a
knife to pierce Robert's day, and suddenly Robert was free to dance and
walk again, just like he did before this short day came along.
So with his day destroyed, Robert danced his way towards what can only
be described as "Something Which Cannot Be Described As Anything Other
Than 'The Big Amazing Indescribable Thing That Only One Person Is Able
To Describe, And He's Not Here, Nobody Knows Where He's Got To, He's
Always Going Missing, The Silly Man'", and "Oh, yes, amazing!" said
Robert with delight at whatever it was that he was looking at. And so he
danced and pranced and romanced until he flew into the sky and went
somewhere else, but not very far away at all really. In fact, he was
only floating up a short distance.
"Where have you gone, Robert?" said Timothy, who was busy dancing in one
place, out of time, out of his mind, out of money, and also fresh out of
your favourite type of apples as well (he should have planned ahead and
ordered enough, the silly man). "How could you abandon me, leaving me
here alone, without any apples or a mind or money or any time to spare.
Oh how silly you were to destroy the only day you had. Silly man. Come
back, I miss you."
"It's okay, Timothy, I'm only up here, I'm not far away!" said Robert,
floating above.
"But you're all the way up there!" said Timothy.
"But you can still hear me, right?" said, yes that's right, you guessed
it: Robbykins.
"Well shut up then, ya big girl's blouse!"
"How dare you!" Timothy exclaimed, offended.
"What?" Rob said, confused.
And then a pregnant giraffe appeared and ate them both (stupid bloody
strange pregnancy food cravings: Humans, Chocolate and Mayonaise).
The End.
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