Bruce (A Microstory)
Published Wednesday, June 30, 2010 by Marcus | E-mail this post 
There was a dog called Bruce who, at the age of 7 years 3 months 12 days
4 hours 17 minutes and a year, suddenly understood the meaning of the
entire universe, which, in his own words is "Woof woof bark bark barkety
woofy woof," which when translated from Dog into English means "We are
all made the big clay of time." One day, his owner, Barbara, made a clay
model of herself, which exploded and caused the fire alarm to go off the
entire block of flats. The fire service were called, and Bruce bit one
of the firemen on the leg. The bite went septic, then gangrene, and
eventually the leg had to be amputated, so he had to retire from the
fire service, so he started a business selling dog meat to London's
Chinese minority.