Really Bizarre Mental Illnesses
Published Tuesday, September 15, 2009 by Marcus | E-mail this post 
Today I had to visit the jobcentre in another town 12 miles away, so I rode my bicycle, to avoid using petrol.
Before coming home, I decided to visit the library. I ended up finding a book which utterly fascinated me:
Bizarre psyciatric cases and what they teach us about ourselves. I sat down on the extremely comfortable sofa by the window, and became utterly transfixed and entertained. After a while, I actually ended up lying down on the sofa. So anyone in the library at the time would have seen me lying there, totally engrossed in this book, occasionally letting out a chuckle whenever something really tickled me. I think in the end I was lying there for about 2 hours.
I'll give you some examples of some of the cases in it...
(words in bold are the actual titles used in the book, but all the other text is my own summarised version of what the book describes)
The man who feared being transported to another world
This man thought that all mirrors (and eventually, all other reflective surfaces) represented another world, and he had a constant fear that he might end up being transported into this world.
The man who ate his own faeces
This 20-year-old man had been punished for something bad when he was a young boy by his father forcing him to eat his own poo. As he grew up, whenever he had caused anything bad to happen, he had an overwhelming urge to eat his own poo.
The man who had sex with his furniture
This resulted from a stage hypnotism incident where the hypnotist made the suggestion that the participants would feel increasingly sexy whilst sitting in their chair, and that later on they would feel even sexier when their head touched the pillow in bed. During the hypnotism event, he began vigorously thrusting the air, and proceeded to ram the chair from behind, eventually getting his penis stuck. At home, he would completely ignore his wife and thrust against the bed instead.
The man who liked to be crushed
This particular man was only able to become sexually aroused by putting himself in dangerous situations, such as setting fire to himself or diving into the crusher of a rubbish collection lorry. During these dangerous experiences he would become aroused and spontaneously ejaculate.
The man who tried to become the Hollywood movie character, 'The Terminator'
He inserted pieces of metal into his arms in the belief that the metal would strengthen him.
The woman who needed sex to stay alive
29-year-old woman arrested for running naked along a highway. A recent affair had ended, and she began to physically feel like her body was dying. She felt like her breasts we shrinking, and was convinced she was going to die. She was convinced that the only way to stay alive was by having sex, and began begging men to have sex with her.
The man who didn't like the way birds looked at him
74-year old retired businesman, family history of depression, became paranoid. At first this was related to people, but eventually he began thinking that the birds in his garden were looking at him like he was a condemed person.
There's many more in this book. It's nearly 500 pages long. Today I've just been flicking through random bits of it, but I think I might actually start right from the beginning and read the whole thing.