Highlight Petry - Following on from Yesterday
Published Wednesday, July 22, 2009 by Marcus | E-mail this post 
These two follow on from the one I posted yesterday. They work better together I think. I wanted to upload them yesterday, but I felt the day was running out and I went for a walk on the hill instead.
By the way, in case you're wondering why I make these things, the answer is: because I really enjoy it. Ultimately it really is that simple.
But to dig deeper into it, I find it theraputic to do the free-writing. Then the next bit is like a fun word search, trying to extract something from it. So I suppose there is an interaction between the subconscious and the conscious.
But I'm not particularly trying to make any kind of artistic statement, and there's no big plan involved. It is totally open-ended and free, and that's what makes it exciting and fun for me.
If you find it interesting, then that's a bonus. If you think it's rubbish, then that's fine too. I'm just having fun playing around with words, and that's all it is really...
Labels: art, highlight poetry, writing