Last Night's Dream - Charity Walk & Urinating
Published Sunday, February 26, 2006 by Marcus | E-mail this post 
I had a dream last night, that I re-walked a charity walk that I did back in September, but this time I started too late in the day, and it got dark, and all the people at the checkpoints had gone home, and they'd removed all the signposts, so I didn't know where I was going and I got lost.
Then, afterwards, I was in the toilet trying to go for a wee, and loads of people from the walk came in too (mostly women), and I couldn't get the wee in the pan, I just kept spraying it everywhere and it was neverending.
I think it was just that I was needing a wee whilst I was asleep, because I needed one when I woke up. I think I get crazy dreams when I need a wee.
dreams |
dreaming |
dream |
dreamy-dream |
urinating |
wee |
charity |
walking |