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Are People Genderless?

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Sometimes I like to try to strip away gender as part of a person's identity, and try to see them beyond that. It's hard to explain, but if I see a girl who is cute and I get on well with, I sometimes try to think of who they are beyond my perception of them as the opposite sex. Then we are just two individuals, two souls (if you want to call it that), genderless, and what does that mean, why do we take on these roles that society imposes on us? We are brought up to conform to stereotypes of what is considered male or female. But when you strip away the differences that genitals and hormones impose on us, what is it that lies underneath?

So if you fall in love with someone of the opposite sex, the person underneath that you then get to know deeply, is essentially a genderless being encased in gender and an outwards identity. And I think that's how you would really get to know someone, to get inside them, and see them beyond the gender, as an equal person, and that really excites me, especially as I kind of consider myself as being rather androgynous.

Love knows no gender.

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